Holiday Cottage Rental Booking Terms and Conditions

In these booking conditions, 'you' and 'your' means all people named on the booking form (including anyone who is added or replaced at a later date). 'We', 'us' and 'our' means Honeycott Caravan Park, Ingleton Road, Hawes, North Yorkshire, DL8 3LH.

1 Making your booking

You must be at least 18 years old at the time of making the booking. By making the booking, you confirm that all members of the party agree that the booking will be governed by these conditions. You are responsible for making all payments due to us.

As long as the property is available and we have received all the relevant payments, we will give you written confirmation (see below) as soon as reasonably possible. This confirmation will show your booking details and the amount you still owe for the booking. Your binding contract with us will begin when we issue the written confirmation. For bookings made within 14 days of the holiday start date, you will have a binding contract with us when we give spoken or email confirmation of your booking to you and you have made the appropriate payments to us.

You must check the details on your booking confirmation carefully. If anything is incorrect, you should tell us immediately.

2 Payment

When you book, you should pay the deposit amount then due by online bank payment or by sending us a cheque. We only accept payment in pounds sterling. We must then receive the rest of the money owed no less than 4 weeks before the start of your stay. However, if you book less than 4 weeks before the start of your stay, we must receive full payment of the total cost of the holiday when you make the booking.

If you do not make payments due in relation to your booking by the appropriate date we are entitled to assume that you want to cancel your booking.

3 Pricing

The prices are governed by the agency that advertises our cottages (Wyndham Vacation Rentals Ltd) who constantly review the prices and the prices of unsold weeks may be increased or reduced at any time. The agency or ourselves may also correct mistakes in the pricing of unsold weeks at any time. We will confirm the price of your booking when you make it. As changes and mistakes can happen, you must check all details at the time of booking.

All prices quoted or otherwise given to you include all charges and any taxes or government charges which may apply to your booking at the time it is made.

All prices are for the property and are not on a per person basis.

4 Brochure and website details

We aim to ensure that the information we provide is presented accurately on our website, in brochures and other promotional literature or material we produce and provide. There may be small differences between the actual property and its description. This is usually because we are always aiming to improve services and facilities. Occasionally, problems mean that some facilities or services are not available or may be restricted. If this happens, we will tell you as soon as reasonably practical after we become aware of the situation. Please note that the provision of Wifi is subject to availability and network conditions. It is provided for pleasure not for business. Bookings are not accepted if they are wholly reliant on the uninterrupted provision of Wi-Fi. We cannot accept responsibility for any changes or closures to local services or attractions mentioned on our website. We make reasonable efforts to make sure that information we give you about your property and its facilities or services is accurate and complete on the date given. We cannot accept responsibility for any inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information about our properties or its facilities and services, unless this was caused by our negligence.

5 If you change or cancel your booking

a) Changes

If you want to change any detail of your confirmed booking, we will do our best to honour the changes. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet your request. At the time, we will inform you of any additional charges that result from the changes. We may treat changes to your dates as a cancellation of the original booking.

b) Full cancellations

If you have to, or want to, cancel your booking, you must phone us on the number shown on your booking confirmation as soon as possible.

Depending on your reason for cancellation, you may receive a refund of all money you have paid to us for your booking (apart from the deposit).

The conditions for getting a refund referred to below only apply if the cancellation applies to all members of your party. All prices are for the whole property and not on a per person basis.

Under your contract with us, to qualify for a refund you must have one of the following reasons and you may be asked to send evidence.

  • Illness or pregnancy (we will need to see medical evidence that you or a member of the party is unfit to travel). We will not cover pregnancy if the relevant person was pregnant before the booking was made. And we will not make a refund if the woman is due to give birth within 14 weeks of the arrival date home.
  • Death.
  • Redundancy (as long as the employment has been continuous with the same employer for at least two years).
  • Jury or witness service (in a court of law).
  • Illness or death of a close relative (a close relative is defined as a husband, wife, civil partner, son or daughter, son or daughter-in-law, parent, mother-in-law or father-in-law, grandparent, sister or brother or fiancé or fiancée).
  • Your home is damaged and cannot be lived in because of fire, storm, flood, subsidence or malicious damage.
  • The police have asked you to stay at home, following a burglary at your home or place of business, during the period of your holiday or within the seven days before this.
  • You are in HM Forces and are posted unexpectedly or have leave cancelled if you are in the police (unless you can recover the cost of the lost booking from another source) or-
  • You are placed in quarantine.
Cancellation charges
Number of days before the start date of your trip that we receive your notice to cancel (or on which you are deemed to have cancelled) Cancellation charge
More than 28 days Deposit
15 to 28 days 75% of total cost
7 to 14 days 90% of total cost
7 days or less, on arrival date or later Total cost

c) Cutting short your stay

In the event that your stay is cut short for personal reasons or poor weather conditions, please note that refunds will not be issued.

6 Cancellations or changes by us

We do not expect to have to make any changes to your booking. However, sometimes problems happen and bookings have to be changed or cancelled or mistakes in brochures or other details corrected. We have the right to do so. If we do, we will contact you by phone and will explain what has happened and let you know about the cancellation or change.

7 Events beyond our control

We will not be legally responsible for any compensation if we are prevented from carrying out our responsibilities under this contract as a result of events beyond our control. This means an event we could not, even with all due care, expect or avoid, including: strike, lock-out or labour dispute; natural disaster; acts of terrorism, war, riot or civil commotion; malicious damage; keeping to any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction; accident; breakdown of equipment or machinery, or mechanical equipment such as pumps or boilers; insolvency or bankruptcy of an owner or service provider; fire, flood, snow or storm, the failure of public utilities such as water and electricity; and other circumstances affecting the supply of goods or services.

We cannot be held responsible for noise or disturbance which comes from beyond the boundaries of the property or which is beyond our control. If we know about a problem that may affect your stay and it is appropriate to do so, we will contact you to let you know.

8 Disabilities and medical problems

If any member of your party has any medical problem or disability that may affect your booking, please contact us to discuss. Due to the position and the terrain around the property and the age of the property individuals with limited mobility may find it difficult to access all areas.

9 Your property

Arrival and departure- We have set the following conditions on your stay at the property. You can arrive at your property at any time after 4pm (unless we tell you otherwise, for example on your confirmation) on the start date of your rental period. You must leave by 10am on the last day. If your arrival will be delayed beyond 8pm on the start date of your rental period, you must contact us. If you fail to do so, you may not be able to get into the property. If you fail to arrive by 12 noon on the day after the start date of your rental period and you do not let us know you are arriving late, we may treat your booking as having been cancelled by you. In this situation, we will not refund any money you have paid.

You and all members of your party agree to keep the property clean and tidy, to leave the property as you found it when you arrived, and to behave in a way at all times while at the property which does not break any law. You and all members of your party also agree not to use the property for any illegal or commercial purpose, including subletting it or otherwise allowing anyone to stay in it who we have not previously accepted. You are responsible to us for the actual costs of any breakage or damage in or to the property – along with any extra costs that may result - which are caused by you or any members of your party. We can ask for an extra payment from you to cover any related costs.

We can refuse to allow you into the property or ask you to leave if we reasonably believe you or any member of your party (or any other person you have invited to the property) are behaving illegally or antisocially or that any damage is likely to be caused, has been caused or is being caused by the behaviour of you or any members of your party or any person you have invited to the property. We will treat these circumstances as a cancellation by you.

Maximum occupancy - You also must not allow more people than the brochure or website states to stay overnight in the property. You cannot arrange for visitors to the property - without our advance consent. You cannot significantly change the number of adults or children during your stay. (For example, if you book for two adults and two children, you cannot arrive with four adults and no children.) You must not hold events (such as parties, celebrations or meetings) at the property without our advance consent. If you do any of these things, we can refuse to hand over the property to you, or can repossess it. If we do this, we will treat this as you cancelling the booking. In these situations you will not receive a refund of any money you have paid for your booking. And we will not be legally responsible to you as a result of this situation. (This will include, for example, any costs or expenses you have to pay due to not being able to stay in the property, such as the cost of finding other accommodation.) We are not under any obligation to find any alternative accommodation for you.

You must allow us or our representative (including workmen) access to the property at any reasonable time during your stay (except in an emergency or if a problem needs sorting out quickly and you cannot be contacted in time. In these situations, we can enter the property at any time without giving you prior notice).

Pets – Pets are not allowed in the property. Although we take great care, if any member of the party has a pet allergy, we cannot guarantee that dogs, or other pets, have not stayed in the property before our ownership, nor can we accept any responsibility for any subsequent health reaction.

10 Damage

You will be responsible to us for all damage or breakages caused by any members of your party to the property or its contents (including the cost of any work needed to put this right). This includes responsibility for paying for this damage. We can ask for payment from you to cover these costs. If you discover that anything is missing or damaged on arrival please notify us immediately.

11 Special requests

If you have any special requests, you must let us know when you make a booking and we shall discuss if we can fulfil them.

12 Complaints

If you want to complain, please write to the address on your booking confirmation.

13 Governing law

Any dispute, claim or other matter which may arise in relation to your booking will be governed by English law and you must agree that any dispute will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales.